Everyone Invited to Longman Hall! Pot Luck Breakfast Sunday, October 6th 9:00 – 10:15 What is a pot-luck breakfast? Food and fellowship! Bring a breakfast dish to share o...
The 2024 Annual Diocesan Appeal is now underway in our parish. Thank you to all who have already pledged to the appeal. Your gift supports ministries that help form our young pe...
The Search Begins September 5th; 6:30-8:00 Thursday Evenings in Longman Hall The Search is back! Are you curious if there truly is a God? Do you wonder if He cares abo...
CCD registration forms for the 2024-2025 school year can be found in the back of the church. Completed forms can be returned to the manilla envelope labeled "CCD" in the back of t...
What is the Amen App? The Amen app from Augustine Institute/Formed.org is free and full of Meditations, Prayers, Scripture, and Audio Dramas. The kids have an added bonus: th...