Due to the internet being out yesterday the Parish Office phone is still down. If you need to get a hold of us please email cmagee@sainted.org. Sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you and have a blessed day!
8 months ago, Lisa Bischler
9 months ago, Joel Skalet
Join Taylor Kemp and Dr. Ben Akers as they walk you through amazing content This Week on FORMED! You'll discover all kinds of videos and audio to accompany you during the weekly liturgical calendar, Saint feast days and world events taking place. https://watch.formed.org/this-week-on-formed
9 months ago, Joel Skalet
Adoration today 3 PM - 5 PM "When we face the sun we get a tan… but when we stand before Jesus in the Eucharist we become saints." Blessed Carlo Acutis
9 months ago, Joel Skalet
Blessed Sacrament
REMINDER, Growing Disciples feedback is due November 22! Thank you to all who attended the Growing Disciples Parish Meeting on October 15. We appreciate the turnout as well as your sharing questions and thoughts. But it's not over! Whether you attended the meeting or not, the Diocese would like to hear from you. You can fill out the feedback sheet online at the link below. www.surveymonkey.com/r/DWYB9D2 If you prefer to use the physical form, please place the filled-out form in the collection basket; link to paper form below. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/651436b79d963963910b138b/t/65270673c3f20f21ab8cf1aa/1697056372040/Parish+Meeting+Feedback+Sheet+-++English.pdf Feedback is due November 22. Your feedback is important. Remember Fr. Martin's words: "Silence means consent. If you don't like it, propose something." Thank you! The videos we reviewed are below. https://youtu.be/9-h4tghadIg?feature=shared https://youtu.be/Mq4gCEdlcYw?feature=shared A frequently asked questions is provided as well. https://www.growingdisciplescdop.org/faq
9 months ago, Joel Skalet
Growing Disciples
The St. Edward Catholic School Education Commission Finance Sub-Team welcomes you to an informational meeting on Wednesday, November 15, 6:30 in the parish hall. We will present a historical view of our school’s top line finances and highlight some programs you may be interested in. You are also welcome to come with suggestions for our team to consider. All are welcome, we hope to see you there!
9 months ago, Joel Skalet
Adoration today 3 PM - 5 PM!
9 months ago, Joel Skalet
9 months ago, Joel Skalet
Looking for basic information on Jesus? Or maybe you want to grow in your faith? Are you searching for sound entertainment for yourself, your teen, or your young children? Pick up your favorite device and head to Formed.org! Formed offers a broad range of movies, programs, music, books, and more. And it’s free so check it out today! (Available in Spanish as well.) See the easy sign-up below: 1. Go to: formed.org 2. Select “Sign up as a parishioner” 3. In the search box, enter our zip code (61523) or our parish name (St. Edward Catholic Church); click “Next” 4. Submit your name and email address 5. You will receive a verification link via email. Click on the link, and start watching great Catholic content!
9 months ago, St. Edward Catholic School and Parish, IL
Please attend your parish meetings, and check out growingdisciples.cdop.org for information about how the second draft models were created and how to provide your feedback to them. Please continue to pray that all our efforts today will bear fruit for a brighter tomorrow.
9 months ago, St. Edward Catholic School and Parish, IL
Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust and will not be afraid. Isaiah 12:2
9 months ago, St. Edward Catholic School and Parish, IL